Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Today is one year since I started my blog and I hope I'll be blogging many years from now on. I want to thank to all my followers and to all those who leave comments on my blog. That means a lot to me so Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

There will be a giveaway for my followers to celebrate this one year anniversary, but I'm still waiting for the prizes. I'll post the giveaway as soon as I'll get them.
Here are some of the best outfits that I've been posting until now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Red blazer

Bershka red blazer
Northland dress
Zara shoes
MeliMelo necklace

I finally found a red blazer that fits my taste. I've been looking for it for more than a month so now I'm so happy to have it!

Hope everyone had a great Easter. I spent mine at my parents house in Oradea and this is the outfit that I wore. Because of the pregnancy I had some stomach burns so I can't say the holydays were great. I think the food was to heavy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

mom's clothes

I was wearing: my mom's blouse, special made shorts, Stefanel vest, H&M bag, BBup shoes

Yesterday was such a beautiful day. I went to a walk with my fiance and I realized that is getting harder and harder to walk in high heels so I guess I'll have to let them go for a couple of months. I can still wear them to a restaurant diner or a meeting with some friends but I can't take long walks in heels any more, and I think that's because my feet start to swollen and that's very uncomfortable.
I started taking clothes from my mom's closet because mine don't fit me anymore, so the blouse in the pictures is hers. The shorts are custom made for pregnant women and is one one of the few things that I bought especially for this period.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Old outfits - part 1

I came back from Istanbul but I don't have any pictures to share with you guys because the trip was mostly for shopping. Most of the shopping was for Rian, the baby we are waiting so I
didn't get much for me, just a couple of things from H&M and Koton.

I don't have any new outfits to share with you so I decided to post some old outfits that I wore before I made this blog. Most of them were posted on chictopia too, so some of you may already seen them.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

last trip

thrifted dress, New Yorker hat, H&M bag, Zara shoes

I am planing my last trip for this year. I'm sure that after the baby comes I won't be able to go anywhere so I have to take advantage of this last trip. I'm going to Istanbul with my fiance and two more couples. The other two girls are pregnant too so I think it's gonna be so fun, we'll drive the boys crazy with our craves and techy behavior. I love Istanbul, it's the second time I'm visiting and I just can't wait. I'm really glad that they have H&M now (they didn't have it last year) so maybe I'll find a red blazer.

About the outfit, I don't have much to say. I got the dress from a friend and I find it really cute. I didn't wear otk socks in such a long time and since the weather was so nice today I thought they would go perfectly with the dress.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

new car

Yesterday I went with my fiance to get a new car, because the one I have wright now has only two seats and I need a bigger one for when the baby comes. We decided to get the new Nissan Juke because it's not to big for a crossover and it looks really nice. The sad part is that I have to wait until June for it because they didn't have on the stock what I wanted.
This is the outfit that I wore, it was so hot and nice outside, but today is cold again. This weather changes so fast!

I was wearing: Mango dress, custom made blazer and shoes, random bag

Friday, April 1, 2011

my BBup shoes

BBup Shoes is a Romanian brand that makes really cheap leather shoes. I don't know for sure if they have stores anywhere else than Romania so I make this post first of all for my Romanian readers. In the pictures posted you can see all the BBup shoes that I own. In order to get an idea about how much they cost I can tell you that the first pair was about 15 $ and it wasn't at sale. It's real leather, inside and outside and they are good quality so I think they were really, really cheap.

Am vazut ca multa lume are probleme cu pantofii, Fie sunt prea scumpi, fie sunt de o foarte proasta calitate. Eu am foarte putine surse din care imi procur in mod constant pantofii: Zara, BBup Shoes sau imi fac la comanda. Azi am sa vorbesc putin de BBup Shoes pt ca de Zara sigur a auzit toata lumea, iar despre pantofii la comanda voi vorbi intr-un alt post.
BBup Shoes este un brand romanesc sau cel putin stiu ca produc pantofii in Romania (am auzit ca patronii ar fi spanioli) si au niste preturi incredibil de mici. Cred ca primul magazin l-au deschis in Oradea acum 2 ani, dar de atunci s-au extins foarte mult si au magazine in toata tara. Eu mi-am luat cateva produse de la ei si sunt foarte multumita de cum se comporta. Ca si calapod, sa stiti ca nu au un calapod foarte comod dar incaltamintele care le-am luat eu au si un toc destul de inalt. In rest, majoritatea sunt de piele atat la interior cat si la exterior si cel mai mare atu al lor este pretul scazut. Nu de fiecare data cand intru la ei in magazin imi gasesc ceva sa-mi placa, deci daca nu va gasiti nimic de prima data mai dati-le o sansa.
Mai jos sunt cateva poze cu incaltamintele pe care mi le-am cumparat eu in decursul a 2 ani de zile, adica de cand i-am descoperit prima data. Voi pune si pretul lor aproximativ pt ca nu-mi mai amintesc cat am dat exact pe fiecare pereche, dar macar va puteti face o parere despre cat costa. Dupa cum am spus, pretul e cel mai mare atu al lor.

65 RON(sunt preferatii mei, i-am purtat foarte mult vara trecuta si dupa cum se vede inca sunt intr-o stare foarte buna, desi au o culoare destul de pretentioasa)

200 RON

70 RON (la reducere)

45 RON (la reducere)

70 RON

59 RON (sunt piele doar la interior si este singura pereche cumparata in acest sezon)

70 RON

35 RON (la reducere)

40 RON (la reducere)

45 RON (la reducere)

45 RON (la reducere)

-BBup Shoes nu m-a sponsorizat si nici nu mi-a cerut sa fac aceasta prezentare. Am facut-o pt ca sunt multumita de produsele lor si pt ca sustin, in general, producatorii romani-


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