I went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago and this is what I wore. I wanted to post this a while ago but I only got the pictures now. The dress was custom made and after I give birth I'll wear it with the belt on the waist. I wanted to wear some gold shoes but they didn't fit me anymore because my feet are swollen so I had to go with the black ones.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Castigatoarea Giveaway-ului 1 year anniversary
Friday, May 20, 2011
Animal Print
I never get tired of animal prints. I love them, especially on accessories like shoes, bags, bracelets and so.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Nude outfit
H&M dress
Stradivarius blazer
ISLO clutch
DIY necklace
custom made shoes
Yesterday I wanted to get a pink blazer from Zara, I tried three of them but I felt like nothing fits me right. I like them so much but it's so hard to find clothes that fit me nicely right now. But I guess that's a good thing because I'm saving a lot of money during this period. Well, I'm not really saving anything, because on the other hand I'm spending a lot of money on Raian's clothes. I know that's not a very smart think to do because he will grow up so fast and he won't wear them more than once or twice, but baby clothes are so cute and I can't help it!
Am fost ieri la Zara pt. ca imi doream foarte mult un sacou roz. Am probat trei modele, dar niciunul nu statea pe mine cum trebuie. Am fost foarte dezamagita, imi este atata de greu sa gasesc haine care sa mi se potriveasca in perioada asta. Oricum, cred ca asta are si beneficiile ei pt. ca reusesc sa fac ceva economii, economii care din pacate se duc toate pe hainute pt Raian (baietelul pe care il am in burtica). Stiu ca nu ii un lucru foarte inteligent sa-i iau asa multe haine, deoarece va creste foarte repede, si pe langa asta voi si primi multe haine de la prieteni, dar imi este greu sa ma abtin cand vad cat sunt de dragute.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Sunday morning
from a local boutique bag and shoes
Stradivarius blazer
Primark belt
This black dress is the only item that was special made to fit my bump and that I won't be able to wear after my pregnancy period is over. I'm really happy that I didn't have to spend my money on pregnancy clothes because I don't like them at all.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Giveaway - 1 year anniversary
This giveaway is opened only to my Romanian followers!
I really hope my next one will be opened internationally, but right now I'm not familiar with shipping internationally.
I really hope my next one will be opened internationally, but right now I'm not familiar with shipping internationally.
In sfarsit reusesc sa postez primul meu Giveaway, realizat cu ocazia aniversarii unui an de cand am blogul. Sper sa va placa ce vi-am pregatit, este vorba de o geanta plic din velur (piele naturala) facuta la comanda. In cazul in care veti posta despre acest Giveaway pe blogul vostru veti primi pe langa geanta plic si un gloss Dior. Postarea trebuie sa contina si un link care sa faca trimitere la acest Giveaway. Premiile au fost achizitionate special pt. acest concurs si deci, nu au fost purtate sau folosite niciodata.
Daca va place premiul si doriti sa intrati in posesia lui respectati urmatoarele reguli:
1. Trebuie sa ma urmariti prin Google Friend Connect. (dati un click pe butonul Follow din dreapta)
2. Trebuie sa-mi lasati un comment la aceasta postare cu adresa de email si numele cu care ma urmariti prin GFC ca sa imi fie mai usor sa dau de voi.
3. Daca doriti sa castigati si glossul trebuie sa faceti un post pe blogul vostru despre acest Giveaway care sa contina un link cu trimitere la blogul meu, respectiv la acest Giveaway.
[comentariile de la acest post care nu contin adresa de mail si numele cu care ma urmariti prin GFC vor fi sterse chiar inainte sa fac extragerea. Deci, daca aveti intrebari puteti sa le lasati sub forma de comment la acest post, eu voi raspunde, dupa care, inainte de extragere voi sterge aceste commenturi]
Giveaway-ul se incheie in data de 20.05.2011 ora 24.00 si castigatorul va fi ales cu random.org
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