Sunday, October 30, 2011

shorts/ pantaloni scrtui: Teranova
sweater/ pulover: Pull and Bear
bah/ geanta: H&M
shoes/ incaltaminte: Zara 

A very simple outfit for a busy day. I didn't know what to put on that morning so I decided to wear my new sweater with a very old pair of shorts (I think I bought them four or five years ago). I grabbed the bag that I wore the day before, because I already had all my stuff in it, and I was out the door. I wore a jacket too, because the mornings are a bit cold, but the pictures were taken in the afternoon, when I came home and it was to warm to put my jacket on.

RO: O tinuta simpla pentru o zi aglomerata. Nu prea stiam ce sa iau pe mine in dimineatra aceea, asa ca am pus pe mine ce-mi era la indemana: plovarul nou de la Pull and Bear si o pereche de pantaloni scurti pe care mi i-am cumparat acu patru - cinci ani. Am apucat geanta pe care o purtasem si cu o zi inainte pt. ca aveam deja toate lucrurile in ea si am iesit pe usa. Am mai avut si o jacheta, deoarece dimineata e racoare, dar pozele au fost facute dupamasa cand m-am intors acasa si deja era prea cald pentru geaca. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sephhora opening

jacket/geaca: zara
shirt/ camasa: mango
pants/ pantaloni: Zara
scarf/ fular: H&M
shoes/ botine: Jeffrey Campbell

Sephora opened two days ago in my town and I had to go, especially because they had 50% off  from the second item bought. I was a little disappointed of what the store had to offer, so I didn't get to much stuff. I had some money left so I decided to pay a visit to Jazz, my favorite shoe store. The new collection they have in store is amazing, I could hardly decide on one item. I finally got these black babes you can see in the pictures, they cost me almost 250 $ but they are worth every penny, I loooove them. They will be worn very soon, but now I'm a little ill and i don't want to leave the house before i get better. 

RO: Sephora a deschis un magazin acu' doua zile in Timisora si normal ca trebuia sa ma duc si eu, mai ales ca aveau o reducere de 50 % la al doilea produs cumparat. Am fost foarte dezamagita de oferta de produse care era mai slaba decat ma asteptam. Ma asteptam sa nu gasesc NARS, Anastasia sau Philosophy, dar nu aveau nici macar Cargo sau Urban Decay.  Foarte slabut. Cum nu am cheltuit prea multi bani la Sephora m-am hotarat sa-i fac o vizita magazinului meu preferat de incaltaminte, Jazz. Si bine am facut, pt ca pe rafturi erau niste minunatii care ma faceau sa salivez si dupa aceea sa transpir cand vedeam pretul. Nu am stat prea mult pe ganduri si am probat vreo trei perechi de botine. In cele din urma m-am hotarat sa le iau pe cele pe care le vedeti in imagine. Au fost putin cam scumpute (750 RON) dar au meritat fiecare banut, le iuuuubesc. O sa le port cat de curand, dar din pacate acum sunt putin racita si nu vreau sa ies din casa pana nu ma simt mai bine.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

 top/ bluza: thrifted H&M
shorts/ pantaloni scurti: Bershka

I told you in my other post that I was throwing a big party for Raian this weekend. Well, the party was great, we had an amazing time and everyone got to meet Raian. We had a photo shoot before the party and we took a lot of pictures during the party. I'll post them as soon as I get them but I'm sure it will take a while. 

I didn't have time to take any pictures with my fall outfits so I'll post an older outfit. It got colder here in Timisoara so I have to say bye bye sandals and hello boots. I'll post soon an autumn outfit, I promise! 

RO: Vi-am spus data trecuta ca dau o petrecere pt Raian weekendul acesta. Petrecerea a fost un succes, ne-am simtit foarte bine si lumea a avut ocazia sa-l cunoasca pe Raian. Am facut o sedinta foto inainte de petrecere si am facut o gramada de poze in timpul petrecerii. O sa le postez imediat ce le primesc, dar cred ca o sa mai dureze cateva saptamani.

Nu am avut timp sa-mi fac poze cu tinutele de toamna de aceea o sa postez un outfit mai vechi. S-a racit destul de tare vremea aici in Timisoara, asa ca a trebuit sa spun "pa pa" sandalelor si "bun venit" cizmelor.
O sa postez si o tinuta de toamna cat mai curand, promit!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

flower power

shirt/ camasa: Bershka
shorts/ pant scurti: Bershka
belt/ curea: thrifted
bag/ geanta: Guess
hat/ palarie: NewYorker
boots/ cizme: custom made/ facute la comanda

I'm preparing a party for my son, so this keeps me really busy. The party will take place next weekend and will be an opportunity for all my family and friends to meet Raian.  I hope that it will be something beautiful and everyone will have a great time, because I've put a lot of soul in preparing this party.

RO: Ii pregatesc o petrecere la Raian pt weekendul viitor. Va fi ca un fel de petrecere de botez. Botezul nu il voi face deoarece sotul meu este musulman, iar Raian va fi aceeasi religie ca si el. Petrecerea nu va fi foarte mare,  doar prietenii apropiati si cateva rude, dar pregatirile imi ocupa o mare parte din timpul liber. Sper sa iasa ceva frumos si sper ca lumea se va simti minunat pt ca am investit mult suflet in aceasta petrecere.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

evening dress

dress/ rochie: custom made/ facuta la comanda
shoes/ pantofi: Zara

I told you in some other post that I attended a wedding two weeks ago. It was one of my best friend's weeding and she looked absolutely amazing. I can say that she was one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen (you can see her in the last picture). The photographers there were so nice and they took me and a friend of mine some really nice pictures. I don't have those yet but I promise I'll post them as soon as I get them. 
The dress I was wearing was custom made and I loved it because it was so flowy and colorful. The black dress that my friend was wearing is mine too but I lent it for the night. I really like its back but I want to change it a little because I don't like the bottom part anymore. I think I'll give her a mermaid shape.

RO: Vi-am spus in una din postarile trecute ca am fost la o nunta acum doua saptamani. A fost nunta uneia dintre cele mai bune prietene ale mele si a aratat absolut fantastic. Pot sa spun ca a fost una dintre cele mai frumoase mirese pe care le-am vazut (o puteti vedea in ultima poza). Fotografii de acolo au fost tare draguti si mi-au facut mie si unei prietene niste fotografii tare frumoase. Nu le am pe acelea inca, dar promit sa le postez de indata ce le primesc. 

Rochia pe care o purtam e facuta la comanda si imi place deoarece e foarte fluida si colorata. Rochia neagra pe care o poarta prietena mea este tot a mea dar i-am imprumutat-o pentru o seara. Imi place foarte mult spatele ei, dar partea de jos nu-mi mai place asa ca ma gandesc sa o modific putin. Cred ca ii voi da foarma aceea de sirena.


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