Tuesday, February 28, 2012

dress/ rochie: Mango
leather jacket/ geaca de piele: Bershka
shoes/ pantofi: custom made/ facuti la comanda

This last few days it's been all about "Pretty Little Liars". I spend all the little time I have watching one or two episodes, I'm dieing to find out who killed Alison. If you know, don't tell me coz I want to find out myself. Is there anyone else obsessed with this serial?

[RO] In ultimele zile mi-am petrecut putinul timp liber urmarind "Pretty Little Liars". Reusesc sa vad unul sau chiar doua episoade pe zi si mor de curiozitate sa aflu cine a omorat-o pe Alison. Va rog, daca stiti deja nu-mi spuneti! Mai este cineva obsedat de acest serial?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

maxi in the winter

coat/ paltom: Mango (old)
dress/ rochie: redeemed from chictopia/ primita de pe chictopia
hat/ palarie: thrifted/ SH
boots/ cizme: BBup Shoes
bag/ geanta: Musette
scarf/ fular: Pull and Bear

I went today at the mall for a shopping session, and to my surprise, I didn't find much. I was so excited about seeing the new collection and I couldn't wait to put my hands on some colorful summery outfit. Well, my excitement died really fast when I walked into the stores and saw the actual collections. I'm not a fan of neon colors and the stores are full with it. I looked for a minty pair of jeans, but I found non. Then I stopped at Zara, saw a couple of cute things, but of course, they were soooooo expensive that my walled locked itself in order to save my money. Finally, I bought two necklaces from H&M, they have some gorgeous accessories at H&M, and a gold sweater. I'm so curious to see what you guys spent your money on from the spring collection.


RO: Am fost azi la mall pt. o sesiune de shopping si, spre surprinderea mea, nu am cumparat mai nimic. Eram tare nerabdatoare sa vad noile colectii din magazine si abia asteptam sa pun mana pe cateva articole de vara. Tot entuziasmul meu s-a dus pe apa sambetei cand am intrat in magazine si am vazut plin de haine in culori tipatoare (neon colors) pe care eu una nu le vad integrate in garderoba mea sub nici o forma, sacouri din materiale cheep si tot felul de alte horror printuri. Am vazut, normal, si cateva lucruri dragute, dar nimic nou care sa trebuiasca sa ajunga in regim de urgenta in dulapul meu. Am intrat si la Zara ca aveam ceva de returnat si nu am gasit nimic sa iau in schimb, totul mi se parea extrem de scump, si nimic nu-si merita banii. In cele din urma mi-am luat doua coliere si un plovar auriu de la h&m. Is tare curioasa sa vad voi ce ati cumparat din noua colectie, pe ce ati cheltuit banii?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

etno skirt

cardigan/ jerseu: my grandfather's/ a bunicului meu
fur collar/ guler de blana: H&M
skirt/ fusta: thrifted
boots/ cizme: BBup Shoes
bag/ geanta: H&M

When I saw this skirt for the first time at a vintage fair I fell in love with it. The only problem was that another girl had it in her hands. I stood there patiently for almost 15' waiting for her to decide whether she buys it or not. The second she put the skirt down, I grabbed it and went directly to pay for it, and since then we lived happily ever after. 

The skirt is made from a thin material (cotton), but I wear two pairs of tights underneath and otk boots so I don't feel the freezing wind in the winter.


RO: Cand am vazut aceasta fusta la piata de vechituri m-am indragostit pe loc de ea, singura problema era ca la momentul respectiv statea bine merci cocotata in bratele altei tipe si nu avea nici cea mai mica intentie sa coboare de acolo. Am scanat persoana respectiva si mi-am dat seama ca in cazul unei lupte corp la corp sigur as fi iesit invinsa, si nu din cauza ca tipa ar fi fost vreo ditamai matahala ce din cauza ca umbla in haita, cu alte doua amice gata s-o protejeze. Deci trebuia sa gasesc alta metoda, asa ca m-am hotarat sa scot din geanta pistolul cu gaze lacrimogene (yep, incap de toate in geanta aia) si stelutele Ninja si... bine, bine, am luat-o pe aratura si incep sa vorbesc prostii. De fapt am stat cuminte intr-un colt si am asteptat sa vad daca nu cumva domnisoara din poveste nu se razgadeste si pune fusta la loc in mormanul de haine. A trebuit sa astept vreo 15 min, dar a meritat deoarece de atunci traim tot mai fericite impreuna cu fiecare tinuta nou compusa.

Fusta e facuta dintr-un bumbac destul de subtire, e mai mult o fusta de vara, dar o port cu doua perechi de colanti pe dedesubt si cizme peste genunchi si in modu asta nu simt frigu de afara. Oricum, temperaturile au inceput sa creasca si cred ca vom avea parte de mult dorita primavara cat de curand.

Monday, February 20, 2012

fun in the sun...and snow

sweater/ pulover: thrifted/ SH
leggings/ egari: Mango
hat/ palrie: H&M
coat/ palton: Marc O'Pollo (thrifted)
collar/ guler de blana: H&M
boots/ botine: Jeffrey Campbell

Saturday, February 18, 2012

cardigan/ jerseu: thrifted/ SH
fur collar/ guler de blana: H&M
dress/ rochie: Denny Rose
boots/ cizme: BBup Shoes
bag/ geanta: Musette
ring/ inel: H&M
Every time it snows I think to my self : "I hope this is the last time!", and then it snows again. That's what I thought yesterday too, but now I really, really hope it was the last time. I don't want to see this much snow in my town ever again. 

RO: De fiecare data cand vad ca ninge ma gandesc : "Sper sa fie ultima oara!" si apoi ninge din nou. Asa m-am gandit si ieri, dar de data asta chiar sper sa fie ultima oara. Nu mai vreau sa vad atata zapada in Timisoara cat traiesc eu.

Friday, February 17, 2012


I love Jeffrey Campbell shoes, they are so HOT and they are amazingly comfortable.
 I already have three pairs but I'm sure I won't stop there. The last collection is 
absolutely amazing and my favorite one is the one marked with "I want this", I hope our local store will bring that one too, but I doubt it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's day outfit

shirt/ camasa: thrifted/ SH
skirt/ fusta: custom made/ facuta la croitor
blazer/ sacou: Zara
coat/ palton: custom made/ facut la croitor
shoes/ pantofi: Zara

 I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day and usually my husband and I don't celebrate it at all. We meet on 9th of February so that's our "Valentine's day". Well, this year we made an exception, first of all because we didn't get to celebrate our anniversary and second of all because we were invited by our godson and goddaughter out, and it was the only day they could convince their babysitter to stay until late with the baby. We had a lot of fun, even though it didn't seem like a lover's date.

RO: Nu sunt un mare fan al "Zilei Indragostitilor" si de obicei nu o sarbatoresc in nici un fel. Nu am nimic personal cu d-l Valentin, care transforma totul in roz si inimioare, dar eu si sotul meu ne-am cunoscut pe 9 Februarie si preferam sa sarbatorim aceasta data. Anul acesta insa am facut o exceptie. In primul rand pt. ca nu am reusit sa sarbatorim aniversarea noastra si in al doilea rand pt. ca am primit o invitatie de la finii nostri care au reusit sa-si convinga bona sa stea pana tarziu cu fetita lor. Ne-am distrat destul de bine, desi nu s-a simtit ca o intalnire a doua cupluri de indragostiti.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


coat/ palton: borrowed from a friend/ imprumutata de la o prietena
blouse/ bluza: thrifted/ SH
skirt/ fusta: custom made/ facuta la croitor
blazer/ jerseu: Zara
bag/ geanta: H&M

I DON'T LIKE SNOW. I can't wait for it to melt because I hate walking on snow and ice and I hate the mess that snow creates in the cities. The only place where I like snow are the mountains, and when I say like I mean LOOOOVE. I Love to spend some winter days at my grandparents house in the mountains. I like the sound of burning wood in the heater and I love to come back after a day of skying and get worm near it. 

RO: NU IMI PLACE DELOC ZAPADA. Abia astept sa se topeasca deoarece detest sa umblu pe zapada si gheata si detest mizeria pe care zapada o face in oras. Singurul loc in care imi place zapada e la munte. Si cand spun imi place, de fapt vreau sa spun ca O IUBESC. Imi plae sa petrec cateva zile, iarna, la bunicii mei la munte. Imi place sunetul produs de lemnele care trosnesc in soba si ador senzatia de caldura pe care acestea ti-o ofera dupa o zi de skiat.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Photo session

cardigan/ jerseu: my grandmother's/ a bunicii mele
shirt/ camasa: H&M
leggings/ egari: Mango
hat/ palarie: H&M
fur collar/ guler de blana: H&M
bag/ geanta: Mussete
shoes/ botine: Jeffrey Campbell 
accessories/ accesorii: MeliMelo

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Photo session preview

I made a photo session two days ago and the pictures are amazing. Here is one of them, I'll post the others in a couple of days. 
Kisses and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Big smile

coat/ palton: custom made/ facut la croitor
scarf/ fular: thrifted

Hello my dear followers! I've been wanting to make this post for a couple of days now but my son took all the energy away from me. As we are speaking, my eyes are closing by them self and the only thing I can think about is my cozy bed. I give all of you a big smile, especially to my anonymous follower who reproached me at my last post that I almost never smile. 

RO: Hello dragii mei! De mult tot incerc sa postez ceva, dar fiul meu ma lasa fara un gram de energie in fiecare seara. Chair acuma, in timp ce scriu simt cum mi se inchid ochiiiiiiiiillllllllk... scuze am adormit pt o secunda :) Unde eram...a da, la inchisu ochilor...si tot ce vad in fata mea e un pat comod si calduros. In ultimele poze, spre mirarea si stupoarea unora. se poate observa ca stiu sa si zambesc, cu greu, dar am reusit totusi. I-am promis uneia din fetele care imi urmareste blogul ca ma voi gandi la un banc bun si voi incerca sa scot un zambet in urmatoarea mea postare, deci sper sa-mi aprecieze efortul. Bancul la care m-am gandit circula de ceva vreme pe la radio, cel putin acolo l-am auzit eu si suna cam asa...

Alinuta este oprita pe strada si intrebata de un trecator :
 "Nu va suparati, nu stiti unde se bate la masina aici in zona?"
Alinuta: "Nu stiu, pe mine m-au batut manual"


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