coat/ paltom: Mango (old)
dress/ rochie: redeemed from chictopia/ primita de pe chictopia
hat/ palarie: thrifted/ SH
boots/ cizme: BBup Shoes
bag/ geanta: Musette
scarf/ fular: Pull and Bear
I went today at the mall for a shopping session, and to my surprise, I didn't find much. I was so excited about seeing the new collection and I couldn't wait to put my hands on some colorful summery outfit. Well, my excitement died really fast when I walked into the stores and saw the actual collections. I'm not a fan of neon colors and the stores are full with it. I looked for a minty pair of jeans, but I found non. Then I stopped at Zara, saw a couple of cute things, but of course, they were soooooo expensive that my walled locked itself in order to save my money. Finally, I bought two necklaces from H&M, they have some gorgeous accessories at H&M, and a gold sweater. I'm so curious to see what you guys spent your money on from the spring collection.
RO: Am fost azi la mall pt. o sesiune de shopping si, spre surprinderea mea, nu am cumparat mai nimic. Eram tare nerabdatoare sa vad noile colectii din magazine si abia asteptam sa pun mana pe cateva articole de vara. Tot entuziasmul meu s-a dus pe apa sambetei cand am intrat in magazine si am vazut plin de haine in culori tipatoare (neon colors) pe care eu una nu le vad integrate in garderoba mea sub nici o forma, sacouri din materiale cheep si tot felul de alte horror printuri. Am vazut, normal, si cateva lucruri dragute, dar nimic nou care sa trebuiasca sa ajunga in regim de urgenta in dulapul meu. Am intrat si la Zara ca aveam ceva de returnat si nu am gasit nimic sa iau in schimb, totul mi se parea extrem de scump, si nimic nu-si merita banii. In cele din urma mi-am luat doua coliere si un plovar auriu de la h&m. Is tare curioasa sa vad voi ce ati cumparat din noua colectie, pe ce ati cheltuit banii?