Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blog Sale 2 - romanian readers only

I'm so sorry but this post is for my Romanian readers only. I hope I'll be able to host an international blog sale too, but for now, shipping to other countries is too expensive.

1. Fusta turquoise, asimetrica facuta la croitor - REZERVAT
Stare: foarte buna, am purtat-o o singura data 
Material: sintetic
Lungine: 40 cm in fata, 95 cm in spate
Talie: se intinde de la 60 cm la  96 cm
Vezi mai multe imagini AICI
Pret 40 RON

Sunday, June 24, 2012

this one or that one

 Jeffry Campbell shoes

EN: Which ones should I get, and please don't say both, coz I can't afford both of them.


RO: Pe care ziceti sa ii iau, si va rog, nu-mi sugerati sa-i iau pe amandoi ca in momentul asya chiar nu imi permit.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Levi's shorts

shorts/ pantaloni scurti: Levi's
shirt/ camasa: thrifted/ SH
bag/ geanta: Zara
hat/ palarie: H&M
boots/ botine: Jeffry Campbell
sunglasses/ ochelari de soare:  New Yorker

EN: Hello, my mom didn't come back yet so I'm still alone with my baby (I can't count to much on my husband because he's gone most of the day), therefor I'll make this post really quick. The pictures are about one month old but I totally forgot about them. I just found them the other day on my memory stick and since I don't have anything else to post I thought to my self that this would be a great outfit to share with you.
In another vein, SALES have just started here so I'm so excited. I found something nice at H&M and Mango but I'm still waiting for the sales at Zara where I'm sure I'll spend all my money.


RO: Buna, mama nu s-a intors inca asa ca sunt tot singura cu baietelul meu (sotul nu se pune ca e plecat aproape toata ziua si, pe langa asta. e praf la schimbat scutece). Pozele astea sunt putin mai vechi, le-am facut cam acu o luna si, cum am memoria unei gaini, normal ca am uitat de ele.

In alta ordine de idei, ati vazut ca au inceput REDUCERILE? Oh my, ce-mi plac mie reducerile, imi pierd total capul si ma avant in tot felul de cumparaturi si apoi ma bosumflu ca imi dau seama ca mi-e gol cardul si eu mi-as mai lua o camasuta, o pereche de pantofi, o rochita, o geanta... Asa, si dupa aceea vin reducerile de 70 % unde gasesc cam tot ced mi-am luat eu la 20 % reducere si normal ca ce nu mi-am luat la 20 % reducere ca am zis: "Las ca se mai ieftinesc un pic" nu mai gasesc. Oh Doamne, da grea mai e viata asta de shopaholic! Anul acesta mi-am propus insa sa fiu cumpatata. Pana acum mi-am luat doar un sacou de la H&M si un plovaras de la Mango, dar nu au bagat inca reducerile la Zara ca acolo se duce tot banetul. Apropo, daca are cineva idee cand au de gand sa bage si ei reducerile sa ma anunte si pe mine. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

My talented friend

EN: Last week i met  up with my friend Raluca and she did my make-up. She is so talented and amazing I love her work, I can't believe how great she makes me look...


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