Wednesday, June 2, 2010

shoppin session

So far this week was pretty boring because it has been raining all day long. Yesterday I went to the mall for a shopping session and this is what I wore. I usually don't dress up for shopping, but this time I really felt in the mood to dress up a little. I just can't wait for the good weather to come back, because I'm sick of dressing like it would be autumn.

During my shopping session I bought this beautiful bag, a high pair of sandals that a absolutely love and a pair of pants from Zara. When I got home I found out that the pants have a small tear and I wanted to exchange them but they don't have my size any more! I'm so said because I really like those pants.

I was wearing:
custom made dress
made in Romania random vest
Musette bag
otk random socks
BBup shoes
Gold necklaces

M-am saturat de vremea asta urata. Nu se nai face vara odata? Sau ii frig de nu mai sti ce sa pui pe tine sau ii cald de te topesti Vremea asta s-a dat rau de tot peste cap. Inca nu mi-am scos toate hainele de vara din cutii ca vad ca mai mult folosesc ploverele si hainele de iarna. uffffffffffff!!!!


  1. mama, arati bestial! Geanta aia am vazut-o si eu la Musette, ii tare frumoasa. Tu iti cosi singura hainele?



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