Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Rock on, baby! sponsored me with this gorgeous dress! I love it to the maximum, but it was pretty hard to chose just one item, because they have so many beautiful things. They ship worldwide and it's free so, go and check them out, I'm sure you'll find something. You also get a 25 % discount at your fist order using the coupon code oasap-com

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Summer is almost here and I couldn't be more excited about that. Last year I didn't enjoy this beautiful season as much as I wanted because my son was a new born and I barely left the house. Oh, yes, and I was fat too, at least that's how I saw myself, and I couldn't wear the clothes that I wanted. But this year it's a different story, my son is almost one year, I'm back in shape and ready to enjoy summer. 
I really hope I can make a trip to US this summer, but chances are slight. Anyway it doesn't cost anything to dream about it :)

[RO] Oh, Doamne, mai un pic si vara ii aici! Anu trecut nu am apucat sa ma bucur deloc de vara, Raian abia se nascuse si nu prea ieseam di casa. Pe langa asta, ma uitam in oglinda si mi se parea ca sunt imensa, asta mai mult, cred ca, din cauza laptariilor care erau de trei ori mai mari decat sunt acum. Nu puteam purta hainele care as fi vrut si asta ma demoraliza total. Dar de data asta lucrurile vor sta diferit, Raian are deja aproape un an, eu mi-am revenit la dimensiunile intiale, asa ca sunt gata sa ma bucur de vara.

Sper ca anul acesta sa reusesc sa vizitez SUA, dar sansele sunt destul de slabute. Oricum, nu ma costa nimic sa visez.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Little red dress

dress/ rochie: custom made/ facuta la croitor
coat/ paltonas: Primark
necklace/ colier: Mango
belt/ curea: New Look

Monday, March 12, 2012

Photo session

dress/ rochie: custom made/ facuta la croitor
leggings/ egari: Mango
leather jacket/ geaca de piele: Bershka
collar/ fular: H&M
gat/ palarie: H&M
bag/ geanta: Musette
shoes/ botine: Jeffrey Campbell

Another photo session in Oradea. I hope I'll make many more of this. 

[RO] O alta sedinta foto in Oradea. Sper sa fac cat mai multe in genul acesta pe viitor.

Monday, March 5, 2012

sweater love

sweater/ pulover: thrifted/ SH
pants/ pantaloni: Stradivarius
shoes/ botine: BBup
fur collar/ guler de blana: H&M

First of all excuse my face in this pictures, I was really tiered and when I'm tiered I tend on looking like a walking corp. Now let me introduce to you my favorite sweater of this winter. I found it in a thrift store for less then 1$ and I love it because is so simple and I can wear it in so many ways. I realized lately that I wear my simple clothes more often then the "statement" ones so I started buying more basic stuff. But I think this sweater won't remain the first choice for long because I just spotted a really pretty, minty one at Zara. Oh my, it is so beautiful...and expensive. I think one day I'll leave all my life savings at Zara, but I'll leave really happy, with lots and lots of beautiful things. In the end I'll let you drool over my future love, the minty sweater.

[RO] In primul rand, va rog sa-mi scuzati fata de impins vagoane, dar la momentul respectiv nu aveam alta la mine :). Iar acum, dupa ce am lamurit cum sta treaba cu fata, va voi prezenta plovarul meu preferat din aceasta iarna. L-am luat de la un second cu 2 RON si imi place mult materialul din care este facut, culoarea si faptul ca este foarte simplu. Il pot combina in foarte multe moduri, si chiar am remarcat recent, ca port mai mult hainele simple, basic si mai rar pe cele care striga: "Look at me, am so unique!". Oricum, plovarasul asta cred ca va trece curand pe locul doi pt. ca tocmai am vazut un altul la Zara. E atat de frumos, de de scump. Vesnica problema cu hainele de la Zara, dar cred ca intr-o zi voi pasi acolo cu mandrie, imi voi lasa economiile de-o viata (vreo 700 RON), si voi pleca fericita cu o plasuta plina de comori, de care normal ca ma voi plictisii in vreo doua luni si apoi ma voi intreba retoric: "why, oh why!!!". In final va las si pe voi sa salivati la viitoarea mea iubire, plovarasul mentolat.

and here it is styled properly:

[RO] si iatal si imbracat cum nu se putea mai bine:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Boring day

sweater/ pulovar: H&M
dress/ rochie: custom made/ facuta la croitor
shoes/ sandale: Jeffrey Campbell
bag/ poseta: vintage
belt/ curea: New Look

I just tried this outfit for fun. I didn't go anywhere dressed like this but I was having a boring day so I decided to try some outfit ideas that I had. This was the only one I managed to pull of because one minute after I took this pictures my son woke up and of course I had to give him all my attention. 

[RO] Acest outfit l-am probat doar asa, de plictiseala. Nu am mers niciunde imbracata asa, doar ma plictiseam si m-am gandit sa probez niste tinute pe care le aveam in minte. Doar pe aceasta am reusit sa o compun pt ca imediat dupa ce am facut pozele s-a trezit baietelul meu, si normal ca a trebuit sa-i acord lui toata atentia mea.


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