Friday, May 18, 2012

The thing I crave for so long is...

I could only dream about this beauties:

EN: I loooove the masculine watches and I wanted to get one for a really long time. I saw some really nice ones on the internet and I decided to get one from They have many styles of watches and lots of them have discounts, so it wasn't easy to choose just one model. Here are some pictures with other bloggers styling there masculine watches and some of the waches that I loved from Can you guess which one I want to get?

RO: M-am indragostit de ceva vreme de ceasurile masculine, dar pana acum nu mi-am luat niciunul. Nu am vrut sa-mi iau ceva ieftinitura pt ca imi doream ceve de calitate, asa ca am tot asteptat sa faca pui banutii mei din pusculita. Si ce credeti? Aham, aveti dreptate, am aflat si eu, BANUTII NU FAC PUI DE UNII SINGURI. Asa ca m-am hotarat sa pun deoparte alocatia copilului meu (acum par o mama denaturata...) pentru a-mi lua ceasul. E masculin, asa ca atunci cand Raian va creste il va purta el, deci o consider o investitie sigura in viitorul lui (cel putin asa gandesc eu, ca sa-mi spal putin constiinta). Au trecut 3 luni si am strans banutii, iar acum, momentul glorios asteptat cu nerabdare de veacuri care au durat 2 ani voi reusi sa-mi achizitionez minunatia de bijuterie. Am gasit ceva ceasuri frumoase pe, au multe modele dragute si multe reduceri, acum a ramas sa ma hotarasc asupra unui model. Mai jos am postat cateva imagini gasite prin blogosfera si ceasurile care mi-au placut de pe

 These are a little more afordable:

  ...and here are the ones I love and I can afford. Which one should I get?


  1. I love the Cartier and Swiss ones, amazing <3

  2. Michael Kors! The pink one. ;)

  3. Beautiful clutch! Welcome to visit my blog and if you like it we could follow each other. Let me know so I can follow you back. xx

  4. I have Evil twins :) Suggestion to everyone buy some of them if you can afford :)
    Great post !

  5. Michael Kors, of course! Or any other, but not pink, otherwise it wouldn't be an investment for the boy.

    1. yep, you are right. I think my son wonțt be to excited to wear a pink warch

  6. sa ne arati la care decis pana la urma:).

    1. cred ca cel de la Jacques Lemans. Imi place ca e simplu si daca ma plictisesc vreodata de el cred ca l-ar putea purta sotul meu sau poate chiar baietelul meu cand va creste suficient.

  7. I absolutely love whose watches!! And that first pic is so amazing! Also love that clutch:) Following you!

    Kisses, Lucy:)

  8. love the sparkly clutch! im into big watches too!

  9. I'm dreaming of such a watch too!!

  10. Hahahaha nu stiu daca ai citit ,,Confessions of a shopaholic,, de Sophie Kinsella dar cand am citit ca atunci cand Raian va creste il va purta el (ceasul), deci o consider o investitie sigura in viitorul lui, mi-am adus aminte de tipa care este personajul principal, Becky. Daca n-ai citit cartile astea (ptr ca sunt vreo 5) se merita sa stii, nu sunt nici o capodopera literara dar te amuzi f tare. P.D. Binenteles ca nu te fac shopaholica doar ma amuzat comparatia. :))

    1. am vazut doar filmul, nu am citit cartea. Poate mi-o iau in concediu desi nu prea cred ca voi avea timp de citit. Comparatia nu ma deranjeza, nu neg ca as fi o shopaholica din cand in cand :)

  11. i want those watches!!! i am obsessed!!

  12. Hey, pana la urma care ti l-ai achizitionat? sunt toate forte frumoase, preferata mea e Michael Kors Mk5314 :)



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