Friday, November 12, 2010

The weather was horrible this week, it rained all day long so I couldn't take any pictures of my outfits. The beautiful weather is finally back so here is a new outfit.

I was wearing: Zara sweater and booties, H&M bag and tights, New Yorker hat.
I was wearing a pair of shorts underneath but you can't see those, it was a pair of short jeans.


  1. Hi!
    It´s funny....i already saw those boots in Zara and they didn't caught my eye......but now seeing it on looks so fine, girl ..
    I think i'm going to try them ;)


  2. You look so effortlessly cool in these photos:)

  3. wooow love this outfit:)

    You look great:*

  4. Am vazut comentariul de la Bucharest Style, multumesc mult, you are too kind. Legat de tinuta, ador bocancii si palarie ca a ta caut de ceva vreme, no luck yet.
    Te-am votat la The One si sincer, chiar daca sunt inscrisa si eu in concurs, tinuta ta merita sa castige.

  5. You look so good! I'm still looking for the perfect oversized sweater like yours. I haven't been to Zara for a while. I'll have to check it out soon.

  6. Am aruncat o privire peste blogul tau, e minunat imi plac stilurile abordate de tine , se armonizeaza perfect. Imi plac foarte mult ciorapeii si gentuta H&M.


  7. @Laura Tenshi: multumesc Laura, ca de obicei, esti o scumpa. In ceea ce priveste concursul The One sunt foarte dezamagita de tinutele care castiga. am crezut ca luna trecuta a fost doar o intamplare nefericita sa castige tinuta aceea, dar vad ca si luna aceasta se intampla la fel. Tinuta Irinei, din punctul meu de vedere nu are nici o legatura cu stilul. Sa porti o genta plic, foarte mica si eleganta la o tinuta de zi, fara tocuri si fara absolut nici un alt element glamour este chiar aiurea.
    Eu una prefer sa nu mai postez tinute in acel concurs pt. ca devine frustrant pt. mine.



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